36 weeks!

36 weeks

36 weeks


Baby is the size/weight of a honeydew melon

Yes, it’s been a while. We’ve been frantically moving, cleaning, and unpacking for the past few weeks. During this time, my belly has taken on a distinctive bullet shape. My last doctor’s appointment went well, and so far, no signs of a jail break. I thought for sure that with my constant fake contractions there would be some interesting news, but as the doctor said (his exact words), “It’s tied up with twine and glued shut.”  So, back to cleaning, and unpacking, and school work, and editing I go.

I’m proud to announce I have finally packed my hospital bag and assembled the kick boxer’s sleeping area, so if he makes a surprise appearance tomorrow,  we’ll be slightly prepared. The nursery is sloooowly coming together, and I hope to post pics of the final result soon.

New symptoms of the ‘mester:

  • inability to walk a straight line after eating (think drunk, constipated goose)
  • crazy swelling in hands
  • feet going numb from all the extra weight ( I often feel like Godzilla stepping around the debris in our yet-to-be-unpacked house)
  • inability to stand/walk for moderate amounts of time
  • peeing every 20 mins

I start my 37th week today, so by next Tuesday, I will be considered FULL-TERM! Time is flying. Seeing as how both Jorge and I were born three weeks early… I’m terrified–in a good way!

Once I have the convenience of internet again, I will post pics of the baby shower, adorable gifts, and more! Either that, or I’ll be in the hospital.

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